Who have you collaborated with on 'Rock Me'?
I worked with a fantastic German writer on Rock Me, Dave Roth. I've collaborated with quite a few new people on this album, more than on recent albums. It's given me a real wealth of material to choose from.
'Rock Me' is released as part of the German coverage of the FIFA Women's World Cup 2011. Will be you be trying to get to any of the games?
I'm sure I'll get to some of the games, who knows, maybe I'll even perform!?
Will 'Rock Me' be featured on your fifth album?
Rock Me is a really fun, uplifting, dancey track - quite different to the rest of the album. It's shaping up to be quite diverse in styles - still pop but with a rock, dance and acoustic influences. I'm having a lot of fun in the studio with my producer, Andy Chatterley, working on a strong sound to carry through the record. It's funny how Rock Me came about - we didn't write it specifically for the Women's World Cup but it seems perfect for it.
It has been four years since the release of your last album 'This Time'. Are you looking forward being back on stage with your own music?
I'm always really excited at this point with an album, getting close to releasing new material. I can't wait to hear what people think and to perform new songs live on stage. But I am especially excited with this album as I feel I have the strongest collection of songs I've had for a long time if not ever!
What can we expect from album 5?
I really feel this could be the best album of my career. I've worked with great writers, got fantastic songs and I'm really excited about the production. After working in the theatre my voice is in pretty good shape and following a long break after having my little girl and my theatre run, I've been feeling even more inspired.
Who have you worked with on this album?
So many people! It's been great.
It was lovely to get back into the studio with Biff. He came along to see me in Blood Brothers and we talked about writing together - I don't know why we'd left it so long!
My good buddy Adam Argyle features heavily on the album. He's such a brilliant songwriter and I think we're a good team. We collaborated with some fantastic new people too like Jodie Marr. She is incredible and one of my favourite songs came from that session. Another great song came from a session with Adam & Martin Brammer. We took a trip over to Copenhagen and worked with Cutfather, which was some of the best few days working on this album with great results.
I was lucky enough to work with a Norwegian female writer who is in very high demand, Ina Wrolsden, and Jez Ashurst. Again, a beautiful song - can't wait for you to hear it!
I was also fortunate to write with a couple of artists, which I haven't done before - James Walsh (Starsailor) and Andy Burrows (ex-Razorlight & I am Arrows)
Are there any (current) artists whose music has influenced you during the writing and recording of this album?
Over the writing and recording of this album there have been so many influences - Madonna, Muse, Depeche Mode to name a few. I find younger artists like Adele and Jessie J inspiring, they are such incredible vocalists.
Source : MelanieC.net